Dealing with the IRS

At 70,000 pages, the US tax Code is the most complex set of legal rules in the world. The IRS, the world’s largest tax agency, is responsible for administering this tax code. It’s no wonder dealing with the IRS can be extremely confusing and intimidating. This complexity requires clarity. We routinely help clients navigate interactions with the IRS including:
- Advising US citizens in Canada who have overdue US tax returns
- Eliminating 3520 and 3520-A penalties that have been imposed by IRS
- Recovering US tax for Canadian tax exempt organizations
- Advising US residents who have missing international disclosure forms on how to clean up their exposure while minimizing penalties
- Resolving IRS audits and appeals of audit decisions
Recently, Max Reed gave a presentation on resolving IRS penalties. You can view the slides here (PDF format).
You can contact Max Reed to discuss this further.